I'm really pleased to be featured in this month's Kitchen Garden Magazine (KG) - July edition.
Every month, KG features a grow guide and I was approached to write this article on growing oriental vegetables for their July edition.
It is titled 'Oriental Vegetables at a glance' and covers sowing, planting through to harvesting.
There are also a few recipe ideas for Chinese green vegetables like Kai Lan, Choy Sum and Pak Choi.
The main picture featuring the Rubi F1 Pak Choi was also an original photo taken by me for this blog. (Proud moment!)
Here is a link to all the Pak Choi posts I've written => Pak Choi posts

The opportunity came about when Tony, who, like me, was also a contestant on the Big Allotment Challenge (BAC), approached me with the idea. Since the show, Tony has joined KG as a staff writer.
Tony has been gardening for 30 years, is a really ambitious and experienced gardener and aims to be completely self sufficient soon and live off his land in Lincolnshire.When we were on the BAC, Tony and I had neighbouring plots and managed to spend a lot of time together. I was able to learn a lot from Tony, so it was exciting that we could collaborate again for this piece in KG.
So, how does the process of writing for a magazine work? Basically, you are given a deadline to submit the article (and any photos) by. It is then reviewed and the design team helps to format the final layout and colours.
July's Kitchen Garden magazine is in stores now - so pick up your copy today! ;)